

Gotland in the middle of the Baltic Sea

The map of Gotland

The visited places are indicated. By clicking them you open a Google Earth placemark, which will fly you directly to the place after you have opened it. But you will not see the labyrinth itself. The quality of the satellite images from Sweden is at present (2007) not good enough to show them.


Troy Games

Setting free of the sunOne of the last remaining Troy Towns in Germany lies in Steigra in Sachsen-Anhalt. The turf labyrinth with 11 circuits is situated directly beside a burial mound, and is called Schwedenring.
The Troyan spring festivity is celebrated under the participation of the entire village every year at the weekend after St. George's day (April 23). The knight who is winning a kind of knight tournament is selected to liberate the sun from her captivity through the winter. The sun is represented by a young girl sitting in the center of the labyrinth with her hands bound. First the knight is subjected to an examination, then he has to defeat the dragon who is guarding the sun.
All this reminds the ancient myths of the Troy saga, which have survived at Steigra in this form, maybe it is quite unique in the world.

Pictures from the Troyan spring festivity 2004 in the photo gallery under Steigra >



Description of the Sweden Tour 2007 ... here >

Article about Troy Towns at Wikipedia ... Link >


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